** To see any current or completed events please head to the "Events" page or visit our Photo Gallery below **
CLEAN UP AUSTRALIA DAY: Held on Sunday 5 March 2023, participants were greeted with a beautiful morning. Sadly only 10 residents stepped up, well down on last year’s excellent turnout of 40. Together with our committee and partners about 20 people walked the roads collecting rubbish. Howlong is now much cleaner thanks to the efforts of those who gave up their time for 3 hours. A sausage sizzle at Lowe Square ended the clean-up around 11.30 and all headed home before the 34 degree heat ramped up. Special thanks to the Croquet Club for cooking, the Men’s Shed lads for collecting the bags of rubbish and the wonderful community volunteers who helped out. Whilst the numbers were down on last year’s event, the community spirit was well and truly alive – bring on 2024!
DEFIBRILLATOR AT LOWE SQUARE: On Thursday 2nd February 2023 our committee was proud to install a a defibrillator on the external wall of the Howlong Football Club rooms. This has been achieved by the Howlong Community Progress Association through funding from the Howlong Golf Resort Club Grants Scheme. Our town is now well-covered with three defibrillators for public access: - Lowe Square, Howlong Golf Resort and Hume Bank.
CAROLS BY CANDLELIGHT: On Saturday 3 December 2022 we successfully catered to a crowd of about 110 at this inaugural event hosted by HCPA and the Churches of Howlong. Held outside at the Golf Resort on the grassed area of the driving range, the night was enjoyed by many families. Rodney Vincent was host and Howlong Public School children and guest singers joined them on stage. The sausage sizzle & non-alcoholic refreshments were well received on this warm evening, with many people leaving very positive comments about how beautiful the evening was. We thank everyone who attended this evening of community Christmas spirit - the next one will be even bigger.
COMMUNITY TRANSPORT SERVICE: Matt Kane from BookABus was a wonderful guest speaker at our public meeting held on Monday 21 November. 2022. There are many grey areas of legality/insurance we must navigate to use the Golf Resort’s courtesy bus (which has been offered). With little traction from Transport NSW for a Howlong door-door bus service, there is considerably more effort required to get this project off the ground. It's unlikely a community transport service will get underway for some time, but rest assured we will continue to pursue this with the support of Matt Kane and Cr Dave Longley.
CLUBS NSW GRANTS: Thanks to guidance from the Golf Resort, we applied for some funds through the ClubsNSW Grant Program. 5 applications were subsequently lodged and ultimately successful:
1. Potential Community Transport Service; 2. Performing Arts Event; 3. A Defibrillator (to be placed at Lowe Square); 4. HCPA Promotions & Advertising; 5. Hosting "Carols by Candlelight "at the Golf Resort on 3 December 2022. This injection of funds will be put to very good use to benefit the entire community.
Saturday evening 17 September saw the rescheduled date for this dinner & show at the Howlong Golf Resort. Thank you to all the people who rebooked from the original date (due to performers being ill). It was worth the wait to have the performers entertain guests from Howlong and surrounding areas, all supporting Anne Dobson (Jazz Songstress), Good Gravy (Barbershop Quartet) and Craig Quilliam (The Phantom – Phantom of the Opera). It certainly was “something different” for Howlong residents. The show was a follow-on from the “Howlong Has Talent” quest held in March 2022 – the performers being the guest artists at this highly successful event. Both events were bought to the public through HCPA's desire to bring performing arts to Howlong (via the Performing Arts Sub-Committee of Coleen Bell, Sue Gibbins, Elise Taylor & Jenny Enever).
Our inaugural AGM was held on Monday 29th August 2022. Despite a wet & windy evening a comfortable quorum attended. The Treasurer and President's Reports were delivered (attached under the 'Community News' tab). The seven incumbent committee members were re-elected without any other nominations. These being Stuart Sizer [President], Robyn Roland [Vice President], Cheryl Cook [Secretary], Sue Wearne [Treasurer]. Sue Gibbins, Sheryl Pitman and John Skinner.
Desiree O’Brien (NSW Ambulance Manager, Volunteers & Community First Responders - Sydney) and Michelle Rawlinson (Coordinator, Clinical Volunteers – Goulburn) delivered a very informative presentation to 50 attendees at our public meeting on April 5, 2022 The community had expressed the serious need for upgraded emergency services in our town, as the possibility of an ambulance station is a long way off. After receiving a strong level of interest from volunteers who will rotate on a roster system, the first important steps have now been taken for our first responder service to become a reality.
Ambulance NSW returned ion Wednesday 29th June 2022 with six representatives, including Desiree O'Brien, Michelle Rawlinson, Liesa Huggins, Superintendent| Zone Manager - Murrumbidgee| Clinical Operations |Southern Sector - Albury, and Allison Moffit, Paramedic Educator| Clinical Volunteers - Dubbo. They delivered another Q&A especially for volunteers so they could be further briefed on what the role requires. This second meeting was a resounding success and we now have many names on the volunteer list. Needless to say NSW Ambulance are thrilled with the strong level of interest and offered their congratulations to the HCPA for such a successful outcome.
Formal governmental approval was received in November 2022 and the stage is now set for Howlong to have its own Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). The ambulance response vehicle will be based in Howlong with first responders on a roster system.
After eight meetings and constant contact with the volunteers and Ambulance NSW since early April 2022, we are pleased to advise that as at February 2023, twelve first responder applications have been lodged. This is a great result and these wonderful volunteers will undertake extensive training in April/July/Sept. As a result of this concerted effort our committee is proud to say that Howlong’s CERT and Responder Vehicle is going to become a reality late 2023 - Yay!!
Sadly many of the large trees in Sturt and Hawkins Streets are in poor condition and planning for our future streetscape is a priority. A street walk was held on Sunday 10 April 2022 led by Cr David Longley, and there were a number of trees aged over 100 years with rot through the middle. It was determined that an arborist needs to be involved to formally assess the trees and offer advice for potential removal and replacement over a period of time. Federation Council has some funding set aside for tree planting in Howlong, however extra grant funds will be needed for this big project.. A lengthy report has been prepared by committee member John Skinner and sent to council. We are pleased to advise that a Specialty Arborist was commissioned by Federation Council to assess and make recommendations for the street trees in Howlong. This inspection took place late February 2023 and we await this report from council.
In July 2002 planning commenced to determine the type of system, project costs, maintenance requirements, environmental factors etc. Initial research shows grant funding eligibility may be available via Albury Wodonga Connected Communities. In August 2022 a comprehensive Land Capability Study costing $1,000 was arranged and paid for by the Progress Association. This report has determined that a septic system will be suitable on the site, and this report was sent to Federation Council in October 2022 for approval in principle. This project has been slow-going but we hope to see finalisation of council requirements to allow construction some time in 2023.
HCPA WEBSITE: This was our first major project to act as a communication gateway for our members, local residents and visitors to access. After a successful grant application via Federation Council's Community Grants Program, many hours were spent in planning and designing to reach a stage where we could go live. We trust this website is supportive and enjoyed by community, and that by showcasing Howlong as a tourist destination many businesses will benefit. We encourage all Howlong businesses to become members, and in doing so will have their Website or Facebook link showcased on the "Businesses" page of this website.
On Sunday 20 March 2022 our first amateur talent quest was held at the Football Club's Mighty River Room. It was a resounding success with a full house of attendees and 20 performers showcasing various talents. Cash prizes were offered for the winners in 3 categories, as well as trophies for 3 special awards. Judges from Phantom of the Opera (Albury Wodonga Theatre Company) judged the awards , with several special guests, including Craig Quilliam (the Phantom), jazz singer Anne Dobson, the Good Gravy Barbershop Quartet and Anthony Tenace also entertaining the crowd. Well done to the Performing Arts sub-committee of Coleen Bell, Elise Taylor, Sue Gibbins & Jenny Enever for their months of organisation that paid off in spades. Feedback has been very positive with many looking forward to a repeat next year.
Primary Age Winners: 1st - Jack Gregory (guitar & song); 2nd - Shanay Read (solo dance); 3rd - Charlotte Lake & Marli Upton (dance duo).
Secondary Age Winners: 1st - Taylah Jenkin (song); 2nd - Lily French (dance solo).
Adult/Group Winners: 1st - Almarinez family (song with guitar); 2nd - Jessica Jarald (dance solo).
Special Awards: Most Entertaining - Bailey Jenkin; Shining Star - Lilly Shipard; Encouragement - Yvonne Lebbos).
What a fantastic success this day was with 50 volunteers involved in cleaning up Howlong. The committee was on deck at Memorial Park at 8.30am on Sunday 6 March 2022. Volunteers started arriving by 8.45am and they kept coming! Areas were allocated, maps handed out, vests put on and off they went. Some were back earlier than others to enjoy a sausage sizzle donated by the IGA and cooked by Croquet Club members. All feedback was very positive, and it was an enjoyable morning spent with lovely people. A large cache of rubbish was collected and taken to the tip with the help of the Men’s Shed and Cr Longley. The committee of Stuart Sizer, John Skinner, Cheryl Cook, Robyn Roland, Sue Wearne, Sue Gibbins and Sheryl Pitman, sincerely thanks everyone who gave up their time and energy to achieve such a successful outcome – we aim to make this an annual event!
Clean Up Australia Day - 6 March 2022
Howlong Has Talent - 20 March 2022
'Something Different' Dinner & Show 17 September 2022